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Post Info TOPIC: Weapon (non-sabre) request

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Weapon (non-sabre) request

Dear  'Clan evilzz', 

I know that you do sabres, but I have a question, does anyone do weapon mods?  (bowcasters, trip mines, det packs, etc.)  I ask because a friend of mine in Clan Chewbacca, (Samantha Arun, uses the new Samus Aran metroid model at or .net) wanted to know and is after gun "skins" that look like the gun-arm of her character in teh metroid games. 



For Chewbacca

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Posts: 30

heh i don not belive Evilzz is a clane, its just the webhost :P

i have been wanting to make wepons like blasters and such, but i dont really know how, i do know theres more to do then making a lightsaber, like you have to make a 3rd and 1st person gun, and you cant add new weapons you have to replace old ones, but anyways, if anyone know of or were i can find a tut on how toi make weapons not sabers :P pls let me know.

i forgot who made it but theres a robo-arm saber out here somewere, its like the arm blaster but with a saber :P

sorry i

Tatsu Kogarasu


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Posts: 30

heh i don not belive Evilzz is a clane, its just the webhost :P

i have been wanting to make wepons like blasters and such, but i dont really know how, i do know theres more to do then making a lightsaber, like you have to make a 3rd and 1st person gun, and you cant add new weapons you have to replace old ones, but anyways, if anyone know of or were i can find a tut on how toi make weapons not sabers :P pls let me know.

i forgot who made it but theres a robo-arm saber out here somewere, its like the arm blaster but with a saber :P


Tatsu Kogarasu


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Posts: 66

Guns need an md3 and glm version. The md3 can be animated and is used for first person. Other than that. Just look up what tags are needed and which way their pointed in modview or md3view. And I made the droid-arm. It was just ripped from the saber droid. :)


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Posts: 9

What you could do is remodel Samus' arm to the gun arm and then reskin the DL-44 to be invisible (arm has to be the arm that holds the weapons) and it'll look like the blast is coming from her gun arm.

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